
Arlington_4Christ is a Home fellowship of Christian Professional Businessmen who engage themselves in volunteering to serve the community wherever and whenever needed - in places like schools, colleges, hospitals, home for the aged, shelters churches etc.,We pray over every member, every ministry, our nation and our city always.
We meet and plan at our breakfast, lunch or dinner fellowships once every month at which time resolutions are passed and plans are laid for future course of action.
The organization is currently financed by member-contributions and donations from friends like you..
We intend cooperating with other organizations with similar objectives. It is our sincere desire to transform communities through business development. job creation and educational resourcing.
Our corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. However we are not a tax-exempt entity yet.
We believe that God speaks to us through His Word, The Holy Bible where it is written, ".........whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free." Ephesians 6: 8 (kjv)
We want to be a dynamic body and not just a club of mutual consultation - a movement of God to communicate the Good News of Jesus’ love and transforming power!
We can not achieve our goals without you, and we are very grateful for your friendship, your partnership, and your influence.
Your gift of any amount will help us continue our work of encouraging, comforting, and influencing our community for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Right now, more than any other time in history, Covid-19 has forced people to realize their own frailty and seek the help of God Almighty. This means for us that the whole world is ripe for the Good News of Jesus Christ,
People need love, care, comfort and testimonies that point to the goodness of God. We are called not to simply offer a sympathetic ear but a positive help in whatever way we can, 
Here again is a good news from us to you; Our friends from India, SriLanka, Mauritius, Kenya, Zambia and Lesotho and a few other African Nations have expressed their desire to join with us in this, our venture. So let us go ahead and do great exploits. Halleleujah ! It is gratifying to know that very soon your organisation will go International !
Would you please pray for us and consider becoming a Donor, Volunteer or Prayer-partner ?
esus Loves You and We Do Too !

With much Love & Blessings.

Pastor Sukumar & Mangai Sukumar
Mg. Director

We don't depend on governments of any country to provide for our charitable work. One hundred percent of the funds we need to function comes directly from friends and families and churches and Harcourt Enterprise LLC.


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$ 50

Donation Amount

  • Date: 12/10/2023 07:00 PM

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Our Sponsors imageOur Sponsors image
Our Website is sponsored by Harcourt Enterprise LLC. ( Virtual Business Consultants - Local & International, Promoters, Developers, Expeditors and Online marketers of Fashion Jewelry, Curios, Toys and also Knitwear & Software consulting Experts.
Tamilnadu -  India image